Friday, May 05, 2006

Springtime Blooms

I love this time of year when winter's grip finally loosens, the days get milder and everything just seems to jump from the ground in joy. It rained for four days straight and the grass grew so high we weren't sure if we would be able to mow it or just have Little Jerry bail it. But by Wednesday it was dry enough to mow and plant the gardens. During a break in the rain on Sunday we ran out to Millie's and got our tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and herbs even though I knew I couldn't get them in the ground right away. This time of year always puts me in a tizzy. There's so much to do and so little time to get it done. I'm actually ahead of schedule this year. I usually don't get my garden planted until Mother's Day. And in this part of the world, that's not too far off. We all have memories of blizzards in April and May and the nights still get cold. But I took a chance and grabbed the opportunity to plant between rains.

Maybe I'm inspired by all the garden blogs I've been reading lately, like In My Kitchen Garden. I wish I knew how she gets all those beautiful, close-up shots of her flowers and vegetables. I thought the above photo would be closer in. I'm going to have to work on my outside shots so I can publish pictures of my gardens here. If anyone has any pointers, I sure would appreciate them.

And, speaking of new blogs, I've discovered two more food-related ones that I want to point you to. First, The Old Foodie has an extraordinary blog from down under. Her "hobby" is recipes and menus from historical events and ancient cookbooks. It's just amazing. If you like history and food, check her out.

Next is Joe Pastry. He's a quasi-chemist, historian pastry guy who chooses a weekly "project" to make and tells you about it, in detail, a LOT of detail. But very entertaining detail. This week he's making ciabatta bread and pecan pie. He's nuts about the bread, but I'm not sure how far the pie making has come. He's too busy writing about sugars! You'll see.

Oh, and if anyone's interested, after three days and HOURS on the phone with tech guys, I finally got TimeSlips up and running and actually have managed to get a few bills out. I hate the way they look, but I'll work on that part later.

Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Hi Sally!

Wow it's been a long time since I've been able to sit down and read some posts.

First of all I love your picture. And I'm so glad that you went to get all your garden items. We're still a few weeks away from that here. It's still a bit too chilly to actually begin planting anything. But soon.

Glad to hear that the computer issue worked itself out. Hopefully all is back to normal.

Take care!

Sally said...

Hi Ivonne - Glad to see you! I'm running a bit behind on my reading and posting as well. After I get my spring work done, things should settle back down.

My computer issue isn't completely worked out. I still hate the way the bills look and I'm sure I'm doing everything wrong and I'll probably have to re-enter all those slips. But I'm on the road to understanding the damn thing, and that's good.

Have a great day!