Tuesday, May 15, 2007

In Case You Haven't Noticed ...

.... I haven't posted much lately. Two weeks ago I started on a colostrum regime. I did this mainly for the health benefits which were purported to occur using colostrum. My friend Kathy had been using Lepi-Trim for a couple of months and for the first time in years she could walk and sleep without pain. She's had both knees operated on for cartilage problems several years ago and she could barely move without pain. The weight loss she experienced was just an added benefit to go with the renewed energy she felt.

I read up on colostrum a bit and could find no ill, or side, effects to taking it and decided to go ahead with the program. I received my package of pills, powders and potions two Saturdays ago - the same day I woke up to an abscessed wisdom tooth. Having read that colostrum will boost your immune system (and having called the dentist only to find out he was gone until the next Wednesday) I decided to go ahead and start taking the stuff. Saturday and Sunday my jaw was so swollen I couldn't shut it. The dull, throbbing ache pretty much assured me I was in the middle of an abscess-induced nightmare. So, I took Tylenol for the pain, took my colostrum pills, used an ice pack and basically never moved off the couch. The only thing I could eat was luke-warm broth and I didn't really feel like eating that.

Sunday night I notice a reduced swelling but figured it was the Tylenol and ice. Monday morning the swelling was almost gone as was most of the pain. By Monday night I could eat and by Wednesday all swelling and pain was gone! (Unfortunately I still have to go to the dentist...ugh.)

I told you all that to tell you this: some people experience a "healing crisis" when they first start taking colostrum. I've read that, as the colostrum drives the toxins out of your body, some people actually feel worse for a while - bloating, diarrhea, rash, etc., etc. My healing crisis has been a full-blown case of the worst palmar pustular psoriasis I've ever had. (Yes-it's just as icky as the name sounds.)

The upshot is that it is arduous to type (and file and write..) so I've not even been leaving comments on blogs which I read like I usually do (not to mention posting anything here). Is it painful? Well, since I compare any "pain" I have to childbirth, then - no - not really. Annoying, more likely. But I have been staying away from the keyboard and even the mouse doesn't feel good in my hand. On the bright side, I've got a ton of energy so I've been getting stuff done around the house and yard that I've put off for lack of initiative. So that's a good thing.

I've got a bunch of stuff in my mind to post, but that will wait. I just wanted you (3 people who read my blog) to know that I have not died. Indeed - I feel great! I just don't feel like typing right now.


Alanna Kellogg said...

OH MY -- be thee well!

tammy said...

Yikes. I certainly hope you feel better soon. Life comes first. We'll be here waiting for you.

MyKitchenInHalfCups said...

Hope you continue feeling better.

Sally said...

See? I TOLD you I have 3 readers! LOL Thanks ladies.

Ilva said...

Ha you are wrong, you have FOUR readers! I envy you all the tings you get done but I'm sorry to hear about your hands, get better soon!

A wildlife gardener said...

You poor thing. My heart goes out to you. I hope this regime helps to alleviate the pain you've been having. I've been clicking on your blog for ages now and wondering what was up. I thought you maybe blogged like me when you felt inspired and had something to say, rather than the daily blog that lots of people seem to do. I do sincerely hope your symptoms improve.

Sally said...

Awww - thanks W.G.! I do only post when the muse strikes, but this stuff has stopped me - for now. And it is getting better, thanks!

Sally said...

Oh, Ilva! You're such a card!

Rose said...

I'm glad you are feeling better.. how did the Lepi-Trim work for your friend? I bought a bottle, googled the name & found your blog.

Sally said...

Hi Rose - So nice of you to stop by. I no longer use the Lepitrim, but my daughter does and she swears by it. I use only the colostrum powder in my morning yogurt.