Monday, March 31, 2008

In Like a Lion....

You know that old saying about March?  "In Like a Lion - Out Like a Lamb"?  Bullshit!

There's a winter weather advisory again today.  Another 1 - 2 inches after the sleeting stops later this morning.  This month has SUCKED!  And not just here in northern Iowa.  All over the net I've been reading others bitching and moaning about the cold and snow that's plagued us here in the northern hemisphere all spring.

Someone that I read the other day called this climate change "global weirding".  They got that right!  This spring has been weird any way you look at it.  I, for one, will be very glad when this miserable month is done and over with.

Goodbye March and good riddance.  Don't let April hit you in the ass when you leave!


A wildlife gardener said...

I love your header...sooo sweet, Sally. I hope Spring arrives very soon so that it will fill you with joy and blow away those Winter blues :)

Sally said...

Thank you so much W.G. I'll put up some flowers - IF they ever come up - when it warms up a bit.

kris said...

You are too funny! We got about 4 inches out of this last storm. Very pretty out, but enough already. At least the sun is warm enough now to melt it quickly. I'm ready for a little garden time.

Sally said...

Hi Kris - I heard you guys got hammered last time. I shouldn't complain. It's GOT to end soon!